Now is the time to sign up for weekly mowing. We show up every week on the same day and at the same time like permitting. We sharpen and balance our blades weekly to give your lawn a healthy clean cut. Our dedicated crew leaders and lawn care techs are eager to start mowing and would be happy to mow your lawn this season. All crews pay close attention to detail and blow all clippings off the hard surfaces and out of the landscape beds. 

Weekly Mowing

Weekly mowing consists of picking up all the trash in the lawn and landscape beds; mowing at an appropriate height to prevent any scalping or clumping - usually around 3-3.5 inches depending on the lawn; trimming around all the trees, edging and curb lines; blowing all the grass clippings back into the lawn for a nice clean look and pulling any weeds in the landscape beds. Roundup can be applied to all weeds on the property as needed.


Sharp Vs. Dull Mower Blade

Balanced Mower Blade

Our mower blades are balanced every time we sharpen our blades. This helps to provide a nice clean even cut. 

How much to cut off? 

Cutting off one-third of the grass blade

No more than one-third of the grass blades should be cut at a time. Cutting off one-third of the blade at a time removes just enough to keep your lawn healthy and not too much to stunt the growth.

What happens if you cut more?

If you neglect your lawn for a few weeks during its active growth period and it gets too high, you will impair the root growth if you cut more than one-third of the blade to reach the recommended height. Growth will slow as the grass puts its resources into the leaf tips to help them recover. Also, repeatedly cutting too much or mowing too short will leave your lawn susceptible to weed invasions, diseases, and an overall thin stand. It can also result in an excess of thatch developing.

For instances where the grass has grown too tall (vacations, mower mechanical problems, prolonged rainy periods), it is advisable to mow the lawn more frequently than usual until the lawn reaches the desired height. Never take off more than one-third of the blade at a time.